What’s it gonna be, your Milk, or your Life?

Crypviser Blog
5 min readJun 21, 2018
From Smart Refridgerators to Pacemakers

Ok, I know, strange introduction for an article but believe me it is very relevant to todays world. I am speaking about IoT Devices, Internet Of Things. More and more companies are jumping on this band wagon for fear of being left behind, and rightly so. Within the next 5 years YOU will be the odd one out for Not having a Smart Fridge. Your friends will be making fun of you, chanting phrases such as “What, you still live in the Dark Ages?!” They will also be shocked at the time you waste preparing a shopping list, when the Fridge can do that for you and in addition, prearrange Pickup at the locally connected supermarket, or arrange for a delivery service. Companies who do not adapt to this change will go the way of the dinosaurs.

The first smart fridge came out almost 20 years ago, it flopped, it was a little ahead of it’s time.

Today however the products which have incorporated Internet Connectivity range from Security Cameras to Barbie Dolls. That’s right, a Smart Barbie….. oh my god……..

Autonomous Driven cars, Delivery Drones, Pacemakers, Washing machines, Toys, Televisions, Watches, Phones, Home Security Systems and so much more. I would die from old age before I could list them all, all there is, and all that there will be.

Though along with this new development, I really shouldn’t say New, but more Mainstream, comes the very promiment possibilities of Hacks.

TRENDnet marketed its SecurView cameras for various uses ranging from home security to baby monitoring and claimed they were secure. However, they had faulty software that let anyone who obtained a camera’s IP address look through it — and sometimes listen as well. So, this Security Cam which many people bought to offer them a sense of security, could actually be used as a Spy for a thief who is just waiting for the right moment.

St.Jude medical center had a Pacemaker for patients which would monitor the heart rate, blood pressure of the patient along with the ability to give small shocks to the heart to circumvent a heart attack. However a vulnerability in the transmitter that reads the device’s data and remotely shares it with physicians was found. Hackers could control the device by accessing its transmitter and send numerous shocks to the patients heart which could cause a heart attack. Your Life.

Fiat Chrysler Automotive recalled 1.4 million vehicles to install anti-hacking software after two men were able to remotely hack into a Jeep Cherokee manipulate the car’s air conditioning, blast the radio, activate the windshield wipers, and ultimately cut its transmission.

This is a Public Hazard, a very deadly situation, one that has hopefully kicked the automobile industry in the ass to do something about the Security of these atonomous automobiles, which I might add will soon be the majority on the roads.

Drones, oh my god, Drones. Can you imagine the kind of havoc that could follow if a hacker, with malevolent intentions got a hold of a drone, any drone. Except a Dominos Pizza Drone, hmm, that would be something to try now wouldn’t it. Come one, admit it, you’d try it…..

Lack of Security, Lack of Public Trust.

The more companies introduce IoT products, the more they should be increasing the Security of these products, however, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Thousands and thousands of IoT products are being produced and sold everyday without the very basics of security. It seems that most of these companies feel that security should be treated as an add-on, which in the automobile industry is Ludicrous.

Now, don’t think that the Automobile industry is the only one which needs to Get Into Gear (no pun intended) when it comes to the security of their Autonomous Vehicles. The Medical Industry is one of the fastest to adopt the IoT devices. It has created devices which are wearable or portable and can send patient data to a cloud or pull and analyze collected patient data in real time:

  • Monitor patients at home using live video and audio streaming.
  • Monitor vital health indicators collected by portable devices such as smartphones and tablets.
  • Set intelligent emergency notifications sent to a physician or family.
  • Charts and diagram visualization based on data collected from health monitoring devices.
  • And in one case, send shocks to a patients heart to prevent heart attacks.

Yes it is true that connected and implanted medical devices including cardiac pacemakers, drug administration devices, and monitoring devices, as well as infusion pumps, defibrillators, glucometers, and blood pressure measurement devices, can all help patient care, however there is a Grave Risk of Cyber-attacks on these devices which could result in “severe consequences on patient safety”, even resulting in injury or worse, much worse.

The Internet Of Things is still at it’s infancy, though at least now Companies are looking more seriously into Securing these devices from outside threats. If they don’t secure them now, it will cost them more in the future. Where are they looking ?

Most of you are only familiar with its Instant Messenger. However this is just a sample, a tidbit, a mere morsel of the power behind CSMP.

An Automated Encryption Blockchain based solution, which replaces the Middle Man, is Independent of a central authority, incorruptible, transparent, everything it sends or receives is authenticated via Blockchain. No manipulation or altercation is possible.

This is the Solution that Crypviser will be introducing to numerous companies such as Allianz Technology AG, Autoliv BV & Co. KG, Bayer, Philips, and many more, all which are looking for solutions for a Security Model in which to Implement in their IoT devices.

While there are many CyberSecurity firms offering their assistance and expertise to these companies, none of them has a Blockchain Authenticated, Automated Encryption Solution, only Crypviser. We are the Future of Cyber Security.

Stay Tuned….

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