In the light of the recent swap of the CVCOIN ticker to CVN, all CVCOIN traders who have opened orders in CVCOIN and OPEN.CVN pairs against BTS, BTC, USD and other currencies are requested to close their buy/sell orders and exchange to CVN at 1:1 exchange rate by 01/09/2018
How to swap CVCOIN to CVN ?
1. Please cancel pending orders on all CVCOIN markets (e.g. CVCOIN/BTS, CVCOIN/BTC and etc.)
2. Go to market
3. Click on CVN sell order and input the amount of CVCOIN you have to exchange in the “Buy CVN” area.
4. Click to buy and put your wallet password to execute the transaction.
How to swap OPEN.CVN to CVN ?
1. Please cancel pending orders on all OPEN.CVN markets (e.g. OPEN.CVN/BTS, OPEN.CVN/BTC and etc.)
2. Go to
3. Click on CVN sell order and input the amount of OPEN.CVN you have to exchange in the “Buy CVN” area.
4. Click to buy and put your wallet password to execute the transaction.
After performing these steps you should see the amount of CVN on your account balance.
ATTENTION: If you see all your tokens in CVN assets, you do not have to perform these steps. Your CVCOIN tokens were automatically swapped to CVN.
Remained CVCOIN on external exchange HitBTC won’t be affected and will be swapped according the rules of this exchange.