How to withdraw CVN (CVCoin) from Sistemkoin to Myetherwallet (ERC20) through Openledger

Crypviser Blog
2 min readAug 3, 2018


Withdrawal from Sistemkoin to Myetherwallet is available only through the gateway on and you need to have a wallet there.

If you do not have a wallet on you can create it using this video-guide

From Sistemkoin to your wallet on

  1. Choose Wallet-Withdraw option in the top menu

2. Choose CVN-CVCoin and specify your Account name from

3. Specify amount of CVCoin to withdraw and click CVN Withdraw

From Openledger to Myetherwallet (MEW)

  1. Click on Withdraw icon inside your Openledger wallet

2. Choose the option I want to withdraw the amount of CVCOIN to CVN (ERC20) and specify the amount to withdraw

3. Choose currency of the Fee and specify your ETH address from Myetherwallet

4. In your MEW you should add custom token:

5. The contract address is: 0x62aaf435273bc4baa78dcebd6590042d7e58ba6f

Token symbol: CVN

Decimals: 5



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