How to buy CVCOIN on
We received many messages by our community on how to buy CVCOIN on the Openledger exchange. We created this tutorial to simplify the process of buying CVCOIN there.
First, we register an account on
The registration process after that is self-explanatory.
On the main page click on DEPOSIT/WITHDRAWAL
After generating the BTC address of your wallet, send BTC to that address and buy BTS to cover the FEES on the OpenLedger exchange (You can also use BTC to cover the FEES. How to do that is shown in the last picture).
Now, click on
On the left side you can see QUANTITY, 5–10 BTS should be enough to cover the fees.
Now that you bought BTS to cover the FEES, you can click on the following link and finally buy CVCOIN:
Under BUY CVCOIN, you can purchase CVCOIN the same way you bought BTS before.
Cover the FEE with BTC →
We hope this tutorial helped you buying CVCOIN. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us in our Telegram channel where our team is available 24/7.