CVCoin Recovery
Dear CVCoin holders, we have received many requests from you regarding recovering the access to your accounts due to the loss of the keys or passwords. So far we have an option to recover the transactions and we would like to share this procedure with you so you can return your CVCoins. This option costs 10% from the number of tokens you want to recover. This option will be available until November, 1st. After that this feature will be turned off and you will not be able to recover your tokens.
1) You should have no more than 2 transactions in your wallet, i.e. the one is your wallet creation, the second is receiving your tokens from Crypviser. Therefore if you were using your wallet and/or you have more than two transactions, there is no way to recover tokens. This measure helps us to avoid fraud.
2) Your balance must be more than 100 CVCoin.
In order to recover your tokens
1) Go to,
2) Press on Recovery button
3) Put your old Bitshares account name (the one, you have lost access)
4) Put your new Bitshares account name, where you will receive your tokens
5) You will receive a confirmation letter to your email. Please confirm this operation.
6) Expect your tokens within 7 days to your new account after we check your issue.
And please, keep your keys in safe, put down your passwords and always use backups.
Crypviser team