CVCOIN(CVN) trading has resumed on HitBTC Exchange
Dear All,
Please be aware that CVCOIN(CVN) trading has resumed on HitBTC with a new ticker CVN.
CVN/BTC, CVN/ETH and CVN/USDT trading pairs are live.
Desposit/withdrawals are also opened and performing well.
To everyone who had open CVN orders on HitBTC during the ticker swap, please check your balances of CVN, BTC, ETH, USD! Specifically the amount of coins locked in orders (this can be viewed in Reports->My orders) in comparison to the amount “In orders” showing on the Exchange tab. They might not match, i.e. your coins may be locked in orders on delisted pairs with CVCOIN.
If you find any discrepancies, please contact HitBTC support for further assistance.