Crypviser Reaches New Heights
Crypviser is № 1
After 2 rounds of hard, fought out Voting to determine which Project would be listed on the Hadax (Huobi) platform, Crypviser has achieved amazing results. From all the amazing projects listed, Crypviser came in 1st Place.
1st place in Europe and Australia Edition
1614 voters
248 301 117 votes
The Crypviser Community, with their unwavering support would not be denied. Everyone came together, fought hard and wouldn’t quit, which lead to the outstanding end result.
HT tokens will be available for refund starting on June, 3rd.
Follow these simple steps to get your HT refund:
- Sign in your Hadax (Huobi) account
- Go to Balance
- Then History
- Other History
CVCOIN (CVN) Airdrop (600 000)
Distribution of Airdrop incentives will be done in 4 installments. First quarter of incentive will be done when the project is listed, and consecutively every 7 days until all incentives are distributed.
CVCOIN (CVN) will be distributed to accounts within Huobi platform.
Crypviser would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to our community, for without their perseverance this end result wouldn’t have been so absolute.
Congratulations to all.