Crypviser Presents, Street Interviews. The Christmas Edition
Mark Aaron Babbitt, Chief Communications Officer
On the 6th of December my trusty cameraman and I headed out to Heidelberg to visit the Christmas market, partake in drinking hot spiced wine, eating freshly grilled German sausages and chatting with my fellow shoppers.
Our goal was to find out how people felt about privacy.
Is it a universal human right, or just a privilege that some people are granted?
We focused on which instant messenger people use, and what the true price is for using it is.
And while most, if not all of the people we spoke to, understood that these instant messengers which they use are an invasion of their privacy, they were unsure of what to do, and frankly, a few of them just didn’t care.
It’s funny, when confronted with the question,
“Do you value your privacy?” the cookie cutter answer which we received was “Yes of course.”
However, once explained that the messengers that these people use invade their privacy, somewhat like vultures pouncing on fresh road kill, they shuffled their feet, looked towards the sky and agreed.
It was also a bit unnerving to me that, even though the mainstream media has been running stories after stories about how Facebook shares and or sells data on its users, a lot of people still didn’t understand how these companies make their money. Again, it was the “deer caught in headlights” syndrome.
“How does WhatsApp make any money? They offer their app for free, they have employees, they have large buildings, how do they make their money?”
Silence, nervous glances, shuffling of feet, shifting eyes, and then finally, slowly, hesitantly, “Ahh, they sell our information?”
Off camera I had some very detailed conversations with some of the very generous shoppers who participated who would forego the $5.00 a day cup of coffee budget they had, once a month, to pay for an secure private messenger that didn’t collect or sell any information on, or about them.
This is how I was able to bridge the gap, the difficult task of getting people to realize that they are already paying a price for their messenger, “The price you pay is your privacy.”
Of course we all know that there are other factors in play which determine which messenger someone uses.
Features, ease of use, looks, the overall image of the messenger and the most important, the mass adoption. “All my friends use it.” This is the most common answer to the question, why do you use so and so messenger
In a world of increasing surveillance, security threats, and personal data gathering, privacy is under threat. At Crypviser we believe that everyone has the right to privacy.
Crypviser Secure Messenger
Are we the defenders of privacy and free speech, fighters against censorship and the champions of security? Or are we simply the makers of the world’s first decentralized, blockchain authenticated, anonymous and TRUE end to end encrypted messenger built to allow everyone to benefit from the highest levels of security.
We are both.
The early adopters of Crypviser Secure Messenger are driven by free speech, the human right to privacy.They know how dangerous censorship is, and what it can lead to. They are aware of how important in today’s world data security is.
As our global community of users grows we continue to protect privacy and free speech by enabling everyone to keep their conversations with friends and family private. We do not, and never will, share or sell your personals data. Why should you believe me? Simple. We do not collect any of your data in the first place. With Crypviser Secure Messenger you reclaim your privacy with the worlds most secure messenger
Though I have some news for you, more and more people are getting it too. People are becoming more and more aware of data mining and personal information auctions. The more they hear the message, the simple statement “You are the Product” , the more they start to understand, and awaken.
Thank you to our long term supporters for your undaunting support. To our new members — thanks for joining us. If you haven’t yet joined us then try us free for one month.
Crypviser supporters are leading the charge for change, the unrelenting voice calling out for a return of control over their information, and a chance to reclaim their privacy.
This video is our little holiday gift to you.
Mark Aaron Babbitt
Chief Communications Officer
+049 151 75048745
Crypviser: markbabbitt01