Crypviser International Online Bug Bounty Summary Report
This is an official summary report of the Crypviser International Online Bug Bounty hackathon. It was held in association with HackenProof from 24 November 2018 — till 16 January 2019.
More than 850 hackers globally participated in this online event.
The purpose was to identify security vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability was rated for its technical impact and was defined in the findings summary section of the report using CVSSv3.
This report provides a high-level overview of the testing performed, and the result of the bug bounty program.
Crypviser had two public programs tested at the HackenProof platform during the Hacken Cup competition and included the following resources for testing:
- Crypviser Blockchain Network and Nodes
- DAPP Crypviser Secure Messenger for iOS
We are very happy and proud to divulge that during the Online Bug Bounty event, only 2 (two) accidents were reported by participants, but neither one was confirmed as a real security vulnerability or threat!
The full official report from HackenProof you can download in PDF file at