Crypviser Bounty campaings
A bounty campaign is a PR event, where project is being promoted by its members, not by special team. Usually a term “bounty campaign” is being used in ICO (Initial Coin Offering) crowdsale campaigns. The membership in such campaigns is being rewarded with blockchain tokens offered for sale during ICO. A reward fund volume for bounty campaign members is usually 1–2% from all ICO investment collected. Therefore each user can participate in a bounty campaign and get a reward.
Crypviser offers 3% for all bounty campaigns collected during the ICO. As a reward participants are to receive CVC tokens. Bounty campaigns’ members, who use spam and “artificial” Likes and Shares, are to be excluded from bounty campaigns.
0.5% of the collected funds to be allocated to the Facebook campaign
- Each member of Facebook Bounty campaign should have at least 500 friends
- In order to participate, each member should go through registration
- Then each member should follow official Crypviser page, hit Like button and repost the last post made before.
- The bounty campaign timing is till the end of ICO
- A member, who has not hit Like and has not shared posts during a week or unfollowed Crypviser official page, is not eligible for a reward.
The list of participant is being updated and analyzed once per week. Each campaign member is to receive 1 share. After ICO is finished, the whole CVC bounty pool is to be redistributed among the all campaign members, considering the number of shares each member has. All members are to receive the reward to their Crypviser wallets. For this reason please register at
The current status of bounty campaign is visible here:
0.4% of the collected funds to be allocated to the Twitter campaign
- Each member of Twitter Bounty campaign should have at least 100 followers
- In order to participate, each member should go through registration
- Then each member should follow official Crypviser page and retweet all the posts made before.
- The bounty campaign timing is till the end of ICO
- A member, who has not retweeted posts during a week or unfollowed Crypviser official page, is not eligible for a reward.
The list of participant is being updated and analyzed once per week. Each campaign member is to receive 1 share. After ICO is finished, the whole CVC bounty pool is to be redistributed among the all campaign members, considering the number of shares each member has. All members are to receive the reward to their Crypviser wallets. For this reason please register at
The current status of bounty campaign is visible here:
0.5% of the collected funds to be allocated to the Signature campaign
- In order to participate, each member should go through registration
- Then each member should set up in his/her Bitcointalk profile a Crypviser signature according to the profile rank.
- Each campaign member should make at least 40 publications on Bitcointalk outside Crypviser topic page during his/her participation in campaign.
- The bounty campaign timing is till the end of ICO
- A member, who has removed a Crypviser signature during the bounty campaign, is not eligible for a reward.
The list of participant is being updated and analyzed once per week. Each campaign member is to receive shares, considering profile rank at Bitcointalk:
- Legendary/Hero: 2 shares
- Senoir/Full: 1.5 shares
- Junoir/Member: 1 share
Download signature codes here:
If a member has new status, s\he should change signature accordingly.
After ICO is finished, the whole CVC bounty pool is to be redistributed among the all campaign members, considering the number of shares each member has. All members are to receive the reward to their Crypviser wallets. For this reason please register at
The current status of bounty campaign is visible here:
0.35% of the collected funds to be allocated to the BitcoinTalk Tread Support campaign
- In order to participate, each member should go through registration
- Each campaign member should make at least 40 publications on Bitcointalk within Crypviser topic page during his/her participation in campaign.
- The bounty campaign timing is till the end of ICO
The list of participant is being updated and analyzed once per week.
After ICO is finished, the whole CVC bounty pool is to be redistributed among the all campaign members, considering the number of shares each member has. All members are to receive the reward to their Crypviser wallets. For this reason please register at
The current status of bounty campaign is visible here:
0.2% of the collected funds to be allocated to the Translations’ campaign — a reward for translating the original post, whitepaper and presentation of Crypviser in the national treads Bitcointalk and supporting the treads
- Members with profile rank Jr. Member or higher only can participate
- In order to participate, each member should go through registration
- Then each member should translate the original post, whitepaper and presentation of Crypviser from the original post (links mentioned below), create national Crypviser tread at Bitcointalk and publish the translation. Also the member should post min. 3 posts per day in the national tread of Crypviser. In these posts the member should answer the questions of the users, publish the news and useful information. Following languages are welcome — Chinese*, German, Turkish, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian.
*Translation to Chinese is to be reward with coefficient 2.
Links to:
A post format should be made in same manner as original one. Non-qualified and not fully made translations and posts are to be excluded from the campaign.
The list of participant is being updated and analyzed once per week after. Each campaign member is to receive 1 share. After ICO is finished, the whole CVC bounty pool is to be redistributed among the all campaign members, considering the number of shares each member has. All members are to receive the reward to their Crypviser wallets. For this reason please register at
The current status of bounty campaign is visible here:
0.3% of the collected funds to be allocated to the Blogging Campaign
If you are a blogger in blockchain or cryptocurrency areas, we offer you a good possibility to join Crypviser project and get CVCoins. All you have to do is publish an article about our project or promote it in any other way in your blog and we will reward you!
Fill the registrations form and we will contact you soon to discuss your participation in Crypviser.
0.2% of the collected funds to be allocated to Crypviser Newsletter subscribers
In order to participate in ewsletter bounty campaign, each member should go to and go through registration. All participants who will be receiving and reading emails from Crypviser are to receive 0.2% of the collected funds during ICO.
0.15% of the collected funds to be allocated to the campaign
• Register at
• Each member of Bounty campaign should have at least 500 friends
• Then each member should follow official Crypviser page, hit Like button and Share the the last post made before.
• The bounty campaign timing is till the end of ICO (June, 30)
• A member, who has not hit Like and has not shared posts during a week or unfollowed Crypviser official page, are not eligible for a reward.
The list of participant is being updated and analyzed once per week. Each campaign member is to receive 1 share. After ICO is finished, the whole CVC bounty pool is to be redistributed among the all campaign members, considering the number of shares each member has. All members are to receive the reward to their Crypviser wallets. For this reason please register at
The current status of bounty campaign is visible here:
0.4% of the collected funds to be allocated to the Other offers
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